take a chance on me

Romance 10K Active
Author: jisoo_s
Time: 6 month ago

To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.But then, even love unreturned has its rainbow.― Federico García Lorca, Blood Wedding and Yerma & J.M. Barrie, The Little Minister   a spin-off from my fic, Falling for my own Brother Foreword “A mighty pain to love it is,And tis a pain that pain to miss;But of all pains, the greatest painIt is to love, but love in vain.” ― Abraham Cowley  Shed always been on the sidelines, eyes silently trained on him. For years she kept her feelings hidden in a closet full of fears, buried a few feet under her soles. Beneath her smiles are tears of longing and regret. She had long given him her heart, but hes too in love with someone else to even notice.
