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Fluff 10K Active
Author: myjaebutt
Latest: Fin.
Time: 6 month ago

Yoongi is an angsty marshmallow whos seriously questioning a three year olds feelings. Jimin is never there when you need him.Taehyung hates little mean boys with red shovels. And Jungkook just wants to be carried everywhere. ForewordYoongi wakes to the pitter patter of tiny feet running into the room. He finally opens his eyes when said tiny feet smash into his stomach. With a groan he looks into the eyes of the assailant who simply smiles down at him, tiny hands shakily holding himself up over Yoongi.“Papa, wake up! Pway date wit Kookie!” The tiny human on top of Yoongi screams down in a not so tiny voice.
