Lyrics of a Pabo

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Author: AnisDianaNana
Time: 6 month ago

Every song in the world have its own specific and significant lyrics. It signifies the feelings and emotions of its composer... This is true...even for a pabo(lit. Dummy)! ForewordWHOOOOHOO!! My first fanfiction! Well, I am used to writing fanfiction for anime but not this! I was quite nervous at first but I really wanted to give a shot at it and I just started writing on whatever was in my head. It became a One-Shot! Jang~Jang~~ I hope everyone would enjoy this little cute immature one-shot about JongKey... They are my most favourite couple of SHINee and in the K-Pop world... ^_^ Please comment and feel free to give your own opinions! Im still new at this and constructive criticisms are much welcomed! Thank you!
