The Coast

Romance 10K Active
Author: happypudding
Latest: 5 | Cuts
Time: 6 month ago

After 10 years of silence, Jongdae and Jooeun find themselves in each others company once again. And with their previous history, it seems things could never be the same. But can lingering feelings bring these two together again? Or is time capable of changing someone into a complete stranger? ForewordAuthors NoteWaaaaaah! (Picture not mine.)The Coast takes place in Namhae Island, which is actually a real place in Korea. While Ive never been there personally, I would love to go there. It looks so beautiful, and I just love the feel of coast/beach towns. I was inspired to write this after looking at pictures of my hometown. Also, the recent drama, Pinocchio with Park Shin Hye, actually had their first couple episodes on an island. The point is, I have no idea what Namhae is like in real life, so I will be writing about it from my imagination.This is a story with EXOs Kim Jongdae and an OC, Chang Jooeun. Other EXO members will make appearances as well. EXO will not appear as idols, only as regular people. So, I suppose this is an AU of sorts?I hope you enjoy this story, and please do not hesistate to talk to me or give feedback. Thank you for reading! Preview"Are you well?" she asked him sincerely. 10 years was long enough to change anyone. Curiosity filled her brain with so many questions. Questions that followed her everyday in fleeting thought. But now that he was here, in the flesh, she didnt know where to start. He sat back and looked out the window. Blue covered the sky, indicating a beautiful day. The sun made its presence known, as it was the only thing visible in the sky. The trees swayed to the slight, cool breeze. Summer had arrived in the quiet island of Namhae. This was his favorite season. Memories of family, friendship, and first love in Namhae were incomparable to the past few years in Seoul.
