Room 99

Romantic 00K Active
Author: heojyoon
Latest: 001
Time: 6 month ago

“Room 99” is a story about a girl who was sent to a hospital for the rare-diseased patients. She was left by her parents who had given up on raising her. Despite having no friends in the real world, she met true friends, enemies and love.  ForewordI looked sideways, knowing nothing about what this place might be. The room was pitching black but I was able to see my mom’s face from the light by the window. I was puzzled and confused. “Mom, what is this place?”I just couldn’t let go of my grip on her left arm. Her right hand landed on my hand and held it tight. Slowly she pushed my hand away. I just watch her with frowned eyebrows. She stood up and stepped backwards. I just froze on the spot. Her face slowly disappeared behind a door with her cheeks wet with tears.  I heard the door was lock and I ran to the door.“Open this door! Mom... Help,” I screamed but there seemed to be no answers. Suddenly the light was on and I could see the whole atmosphere of the cold breezy room. It was a ward. There are two beds there. Suddenly the door opened. A middle-aged woman entered.“Hello Miss Park Haein, I am your doctor from today on,”I just couldn’t help myself but to let my jaws dropped.

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