Yongguk ended up taking Daehyun to a small holding area. An apartment in the Hongdae area. Yongguk spent most of the time awake and sitting on the floor leaning against the front door. As he watched Daehyun he took notice of some weird similarities between Daehyun and his long, long, long deceased human wife. She'd died the time of his Turning. The similarities were enough that Yongguk's eyes would follow his every movement. This lasted for three weeks during which Yongguk did not feed.Finally one day Yongguk stalks into the room Daehyun had been using. The man in question trying to back away from the vampire. "Y-yong Guk?"His gaze softens, "Hani..I missed you..""I'm not Hani. My name is Daehyun remember?""You're still adorable as ever, Hani. Come give Oppa a kiss."Daehyun quickly backpedals trying to work his way around Yongguk. The vampire uses his superior speed to pin his prey to the wall. Daehyun tried fighting against Yongguk only to have his hands forced far too roughly against the wall. "P-please! I'm not Hani! I'm Daehyun! Wake up! Hyu—"Yongguk's lips touched his stopping all protests. Daehyun's dream would come true. Yongguk would deflower him so to speak. Naturally his concern being the other thinking he's a woman. Yongguk pulls away frowning."Has it been that long Hani? Have you forgotten how to kiss Oppa?""I'm not...Hani!""Shhhh. It's alright. Oppa will teach you again."Yongguk attacked Daehyun's closed lips nibbling and biting. He was too good! Daehyun couldn't stop himself from opening his mouth to Yongguk. Doing so made Yongguk's leg slide between Daehyun's own. Daehyun moans into the heated kiss against his will. Tears flowing down his face faster as his body let Yongguk use it for whatever he wanted. He was stealing all of Daehyun's firsts. The final first would scare him the most."Hani? Why are you crying? Did you miss Oppa that much? Oppa missed you too. You promised Oppa could have that if he came back."It took him a few seconds to realise just what Yongguk had said. Anal. He had wanted anal sex with this Hani girl and never got it. A slight bonus. At least he wouldn't take off Daehyun's clothes to find a dick and get upset. Daehyun would be safe from that anger."Strip for Oppa and get ready Hani. Oppa won't mock you this time.""M-mock?"Yongguk laughs such a happy sound. "My flat Hani."Daehyun felt his face grow hot. This Yongguk...he didn't know this Yongguk. This Yongguk almost seemed likable. Daehyun couldn't help but feel like he'd have easily talked to this Yongguk. He may have even freely told this Yongguk how attractive he was. "Yongguk hyung... you're..""Hyung? Hani you know better than to tease me. Say it right or Oppa will get mad."Daehyun groans feeling Yongguk's thigh rubbing more incessantly against his clothed dick. "Yongguk...Oppa..""Good girl Hani. Go to the bed and prep like I told you."Daehyun played along too trapped not to. "I forget.""You'll have to stretch your fingers inside you. Then you'll have to suck Oppa."Daehyun went to the bed and stripped. He lays down as instructed trying not to get shy when Yongguk moved closer. He'd never actually done this before so his clumsy attempts were put to an end by Yongguk. He roughly prepared Daehyun drawing more tears from the younger. Yongguk doesn't wait for Daehyun to use his spit to lube him up. Instead the vampire uses his own limited bodily fluids to live himself up thrusting into him all at once. Daehyun cries out in pain tears still flowing down his face. Yongguk pays it no mind as he continues to fuck Daehyun. The other weeping against the bed even once the pain turns to pleasure Daehyun tries to keep rejecting it. Yongguk doesn't seem to care. When Yongguk finally cums filling Daehyun the other is close but hasn't reached his own release.Yongguk collapses on the bed exhausted. Daehyun slowly and carefully gets his clothes. He dresses quickly running out the door. He looks around before deciding to just take off running. His fears being that Yongguk would catch him. Daehyun couldn't run very well given how sore he was. He made it as far as he could before hiding somewhere."Seems Yongguk isn't quite ready. I'll have to rub it in Himchan's face."Daehyun turns to see Yifan and Sehun smiling at him. Without thinking he throws his arms around both. He silently sobs on them not saying a word of what happened.