Chapter 6 (1/1)

Etta and Robby were thrown into a dank dimly it room, that might have once been office space. They had been gagged and blindfolded when they were kidnapped. Once the gags and blinfolds were removed they saw that they were not alone, there were four other kids in the room with them. One of them was badly wounded.As soon as their abductors stepped away Etta and Robby rushed to the injured kids side, " what happened Etta said ripping the girls pans,"" Tried to escape, got shot in the leg for my troubles," the girl mumbled. She'd lost a lot of blood but at least some one had had the presence of mind to binf the wound off.Etta unwrapped the bindings and grimaced at the sight." Who are you?" one of the kids asked." Vixen, Red robin," Etta replied looking around the room." Seriously, I thought you two retired," another kid asked.Etta and Robby had come up with a story while they were waiting to be kidnapped. A story that would adequately explain their dispappearance form the hackers community for three years." Nah locked up, that's where we met, " Robby replied. The two of them had even created enough of a fictional electronic trail to confirm the lie, should anyone bother to look. She just hoped Bambam saw the rest of her message in time." So we've introduced ourselves who are you?" Robby asked as together she and Etta poured a bottle of water over the girls leg and then checked to make sure the bullet wasn't lodged inside. They rebound the wound, properly this time then set her leg up on a small chair.The four other hackers introduced themselves. The girl who had been shot was tracy, though Etta and Robby only knew that by her hackers handle, plus she was the only one that had tried to escape." Anybody know why we're here?" Etta asked finally. They all shook their heads. They found out a few moments later. The men came back a few moments later. They brought six non-descript laptops with them, that they set up near an electical outlet attached to a generator." You are going to each one of you cut the electicity supply to the co-ordinates we give you, do you understand. We will not hesitate to hurt you or the people you love if you do not co-operate. " The six of them set up at the table Robby helping tracy to her chair and turned on their laptops. The power went out, everywhere, in six different cities. Those facilities fortunate enough to have generators turned them on. Bobby and Chief were in the office when it happened Bambam was staring at his computer trying to figure something out when it happened, B.I and Yugyeom were trying to keep Dani's heart rate steady." Well fuck. Sorry sir," Bobby said." I got it!" Bambam yelled as the power cut." Bloody hell! sorry sweety" Yugyeom said to Dani, even though she probably couldn't hear him. " Chief!! Chief!!" Bambam yelled trying to make his way to chiefs office and banging his knees on tables and chairs in the process, " ow, ow, chief!"He managed to make it to chiefs office " hey chief you in here?" " Yes Bambam what is it?" " Etta, she sent me an encrypted message last time I just figured what the other half of it said. Somebody's kidnapped a bunch of hackers, the same hackers that did the jobs she's supposed to be investigating. I need her files chief."" Yes well Bambam as you can see it's dark right now, so I can't exactly do anything about it til the power comes back."" Don't we have genrators?" JB asked from the doorway, now that their eyes were beginning to adjust to the dark they were able to make each others silhouettes out." We do jus give it another minute, " Chief repied calmly." Bobby what are you doing?" J.B suddenly asked." Darn it here I was hoping it was too dark for you to see me," Bobby replied from somewhere next to J.B." You still haven't told me what you're doing?" J.B replied.Bobby just chuckled and J.B rolled his eyes. A couple of seconds later the generators kicked in and chief went to his file cabinet to pull out a copy of the case files that Etta was supposed to be investigating.He came back two  minutes later, " uh chief, this power outage is six cites wide and uh, well Etta's responsible for one of them," he said.Chief closed his eyes, " I'm going to assume she didn't have a choice in the matter, he said, right well, then in that case Bambam you go on ahead and see if you can rectify this, J.B have the rest of your team on standby, I have a feeling we might need them, oh and take Bobby with you please,. He missed you."J. B looked at chief then looked at Bobby, then sighed and turned around to go tell the others they were on standby. Bobby following right behind him." Uh chief, I kind of have a problem, I can' fix what Etta's done, I mean I can, but I don't think I should." Bambam said returning to chiefs office a few minutes later." Explain,"" Well uh, see the thing is, she;s been kidanpped, on purpose with uh, Roberta and they are pretending to be hackers and they are , were the best at what they do, so if I fix it, it will alert the kidnappers that somethings is wrong, and these guys mean business they've already shot one kid, because she didn't co-operate, so yeah I I think I kinda have to wait to fix it,." Bambam said. Chief closed his eyes. " Right well then, don't fix it, you are now attached to your computer in case she sends you any more messages, call J.B in here please."Chief told J.B that he and the others excluding Yugyeom and Bambam were going to to have to investigate and get as many leads as possible on where the missing hackers were, before they could do any more damage. " I'm coming with you!" Bobby said latching onto JB's arm, and thus they were split, J.B with Bobby, Mark with Jackson, Jr with Youngjae.  Not thirty minutes later, the water supply was cut off.  And chiefs priorities became two-fold, find out who was doing this and what they wanted, and find the kidnapped kids. " I am so fired, " Robby whispered to Etta once they were done with their criminal activities. Etta just patted her friends leg." You better be getting my messages Bambam," she thought to herself, " I'd like to be home by dinnertime,".