Chapter 10 (1/1)

Yugyeom and B.I were having problems of their own. Once the power had gone out, the generator had kicked in almost immediately fortunately. But because of the amount of medical equipment they had running to monitor Dani and keep her heart beating regularly as well as run her pain medication as well as other medication, the generator was running through the gasoline, quicker than they were comfortable with. Then when the water had cut off, Yugyeom had started getting uneasy. He did not like it. Sure he'd been in worse situations, but that didn't mean he liked it.It was dark in the cottage, to conserve the electricity for the medical equipment. B.I and Yugyeom were sitting on either side of Dani, watching her in the dark, when for no apparent reason she went into cardiac arrest.B.I and Yugyeom jumped up scrambling to get the defribrillator and start resuscitation. They couldn't volt her too many times, it was too dangerous, so after the third time and still no results they opted to do it by hand and mouth. Her heartbeat begun to come back, and then the generator died." Fucking hell. sorry sweety," Yugyeom whispered.Dani was breathing now, but with the generator out they would have to get her somewhere else because she needed the medical equipment. There was only so much that B.I' s hocus pocus could do." We're going to have to take her to headquarters," B.I said to Yugyeom, " it's our safest bet right now,.Yugyeom agreed. He had been hoping he wouldn't have to take her their he didn't want to initially because of all the germs and Dani needed a sterile environment, but they had little choice now. So he and B.I carried Dani to the car and headed out to headquarters.He took her to his lab, which in all honestly was more a mini clinic than lab. There was a young lady unconciuos on the one set up cot, so he had B.I set another one up and laid Dani down, attaching all the necessary medical equipment to help Dani stay alive.Jr found B.I and Yugyeom in his lab, " hey B.I, Bobby wanted you to take a look at Frieda, something about your healing powers being much stronger than his."

B.Is eyebrows went up, " he healed her?" he asked sounding somewhat disbelieving." Well I wasn't there when it went down, but yeah according to JB and Sam, he healed her, why is that strange?" Jr asked." You have no idea how much, " B.I muttered even as he ran his hands over Freida's body, then he stepped back and smiled, " she's fine, well as fine as can be expected, his healing powers are apparently stronger than he knows."Then he went back to taking care of Dani. Etta and Robby and Tracy had huddled together in a corner. Tracy was not looking too good, she was losing too much blood, from the bullet wound on her leg. She was slowly going into shock. If they didn't get her out or seen to soon she would die. Etta and Robby were doing what they could to stem the flow of blood, but without medical supplies all their efforts seemed in vain.Etta got up and walked to the door and knocked.The door opened and their friend from earlier, the one that had shoved one of the kids then tripped over is own feet glared down at Etta." She's dying, she needs a doctor or a hospital, or just some damn gauze, alcohol and needle and thread." Etta said. The man scoffed and would have closed the door on Etta, but she stuck her foot out, using her werewolf strength to keep it open." She will die, and then you'll be one man down, now I'm sure you could easily find someone to replace her, but how much time will that take you? But if you wnat to make the call on your own be my guest," she said and then turned around and walked back to Tracy.He closed the door but came back five minutes later not alone. He threw a first aid box in the room. It was badly stocked but Etta and Robby did what they could with what they had. It wasn't enough. Tracy lost conciousness about fifteen minutes later." Dammit," Etta muttered. She really was itching to just go all werewolf on these assholes, but there were other kids in here and even if one of them was working with their captors, they were still kids. Etta couldn't risk one of them getting hurt. They were runnning out of time.She decided they should risk it. She and Robby were about to do something that was probably colossally stupid. But, they were running out of time, they had one and a half hours left on the clock.So Etta looked over at Robby and sent her a slight nod to let her know she was going to plan C, plan A had been to wait for help, plan B, had been to get Tracy to help them send a message the next time opportunity presented itself, Plan C was just downright crazy. It is possible, that Sam may have had more of an impact on JB's pack than he knew, because what Etta did next was staright out of the 'Sam's techniques and methods on how to get out of sticky situations' handbook. She started a fight, with Robby.  Well first she pulled Robby in real close, like breathing each others air close, then smirked and kissed her, Robby sighed into the kiss then started running her hands all over Etta. Etta moved from Robby's lips to her neck, giving Robby the opening she needed.Robby moaned the name, " Janet, fuck Janet, that's good,"Etta stopped mid kiss, looking the part of an appropriately miffed girlfriend, " who the fuck, is Janet, Janet from cell block C, seriously, Robby, that skank, that's the skank you were screwing behind my back. I'm going to fucking kill you," her voice increasing with each word, she was screaming by the time she was done. Then she lunged. Robby played her part just as well, fending  Etta off, deflecting her blows, then eventually, " you crazy bitch, calm down will you, " Robby started attacking back. She threw Etta onto the table, sending the laptops sprawling and the three other hackers scrambling to get out of the fray. It was marvelous really and almost unbelivable that even in the midst of this, Etta managed to reach out with one hand and hit some buttons on the laptop, under the pretense of trying to find support so she could shove Robby off of her. Robby let her, then when she landed on the floor her hand found a laptop and she hit some buttons. They were halfway there. Etta jumped on her and brought a laptop down with her, by pulling on the cord with her foot, it landed next to Robbys other arm, robby smirked and hit a series of button under the pretense of flooping as Etta, " punched" her.The whole fiasco couldn't have taken more than a minute. They were broken up by the guy Etta liked to call mr stupid. He lifted Etta off of Robby and held her up. Robby got up and punched him, hard in the gut. "Get your filthy hands off my girl.!" she snarled.The man grunted and doubled over in pain and Etta and Robby took themselves to opposite sides of the room, Etta making sure to 'trip' over a laptop as she did, thus deleting the evidence of what they had just done." Would anyone care to tell me what the hell is going on in here?" a calm voice asked. Etta glared at Robby, Robby glared at Etta, neither one said a word.One of the kidnapped kids spoke up, " they got into a fight," she almost whispered." Clearly. What I would like to know is why?" the calm voiced man asked.So the poor frightened girl explained. The man snorted when she was done and turned and walked away. Etta and Robby mentally hi fived each other. Bambam jumped up, then sat back down again just as suddenly. He stared at his laptop for a second, then started typing furiously, then he started grinning, like a maniac. He waited a second, then rushed to a printer , pulled a sheet of paper out, then giggled and rushed up to Taehyun who was watching him stupefied, took his face in his hands and planted a solid kiss right on his lips.Then he run up tp chiefs office. " I know where they are!" he said bursting in not even bothering to knock, " and I might have kissed Taehyun."Chief decided that that latter bit of information was probably best left ignored for now.Bambam showed him what he had.