[M] Chapter 29 (1/1)

A:N/ the next chapter will be the last one...it's not really long enough to count as a capter...shorter than anything else I've posted for this story...But I think you'll forgive me for it once you read it... Finally, rated content again! Enjoy, okay?- -He felt disappointed, though he wasn't sure why. Chunji had said that he was going up to have a shower, he shouldn't have expected anything different. Yet part of his mind had thought that Chunji would be waiting for him inside the door, inviting him to join him for that shower: letting him see what he looked like naked for a second time. All the things he'd be able to do to him if that had happened flooded through his mind. Maybe Chunji knew what would happen if he'd done that. Could he be a mind reader? Is that why he left L. Joe out? He thought numbly as he made his way past the bathroom. Or at least attempted to. Before he could get any further into the house, the bathroom door had flown open, and a pair of hands had yanked him into the room, closing the door swiftly behind him. Before he could ask what Chunji was thinking the older boy's hands had started fumbling with his clothing. “What do you think you're doing?” he stammered, worried. Chunji flashed him a smile, “I figured we could share the shower. You're just as cold as I am, and I wouldn't want you to get hypothermia or something.” he answered, simply, fingers a little less frantic as they struggled to undo his belt. He seemed to freeze, as though he realised what he was doing, and how it might seem, flashing L. Joe a hesitant smile. For some reason, he instinctively knew that look was tinged by thoughts about Mr Kim. If he thought that he regretted the past at the time, it couldn't compare to how much he regretted it now. “It's okay. I can take care of it. Go under the water. You're freezing.” he chided, making Chunji smile, but it was wary, as though he wasn't sure of himself anymore. He was starting to think that he might not have been the only one to misread what Chunji had intended: or the only one to like those mistaken thoughts. He undressed, a slight thrill of excitement pulsing through him at the thought that someone else was going to see him naked: that the someone would be Chunji only made it sweeter. He looked down at himself frowning slightly, wishing that he could have more to show the other boy. Not for the first time he found himself wishing he'd taken the time to look after his body so he could impress him. Though in saying that, from what he could see Chunji wasn't the type to put much effort into it, and he still found him impressive. He locked the bathroom door, something telling him he couldn't trust the people in this apartment to respect their privacy. He wouldn't want them to get the wrong idea about what was going on. They were just two close friends sharing a shower together. Absolutely nothing sexual about it. Even if he was in love with the other boy and had been imaging all sorts of naughty things he could do to him mere moments earlier. Wouldn't have any bearing upon what they were about to do. Or at least that's that was what he told himself. It wasn't as believable though once he entered the shower. Chunji turned to face him, still under the stream of water, he opened his mouth to speak and the next thing L. Joe knew he had backed the older boy up against the wall behind the curtain of water. Chunji looked as though he were about to protest what he was doing, but L. Joe suppressed any words that might've come out, by roughly planting his lips against Chunji's. The older boy's eyes widened in shock, though he made no moves to push him away right away. Anticipating that Chunji would say something to ruin the moment, he brushed the other boy's lips with his tongue, surprising him and sliding inside. His own eyes slid closed, so he couldn't get any ideas about how Chunji reacted to the deeper kiss. Their tongues would brush against one another, but only for a moment, before Chunji would retreat. He couldn't decide if that meant the older boy was interested, but shy, or disinterested altogether, but he tightened his grip on the older boy's waist nonetheless. He didn't want to risk Chunji trying to break free. He pulled back lavishing small nips and kisses to any patch of skin he could come in contact with, first centralised on Chunji's jaw but moving lower, to his neck. His hands, which had been pretty well behaved, began to move. He was still too shocked about the fact that he was doing something like this in the first place, and so his touch remained feather-light: running across Chunji's skin to see if it felt as soft as it looked, skirting around the inappropriate areas. Chunji was panting, his hands trembling where they lay, against L. Joe's upper arms. His eyes slid closed, as he drew in a steadying breath. L. Joe thought that he was going to try and push him away, so he fought to draw him closer in anticipation, but no movement came from the older boy. “What do you want, L. Joe?” he asked quietly, his voice so low L. Joe could barely hear it above the whoosh of the water. “I want this. I want to see what happens when we're like this.” L. Joe clarified, not sure his words made any sense, his mind abuzz with the warmth coming from the boy before him. Chunji's chin trembled slightly, his gaze dropping lower, “Will you promise me that you won't run away?” he questioned, voice so fragile, L. Joe thought he might've been close to tears. He pressed numerous kisses to the other boy's jaw, “You mean too much to me, for me to run away. No matter what, I'm not going to repeat what happened with Mr Kim. You're not like Mr Kim to me, Chunji. You're so much more than that to me.” he mumbled, his mind fuzzy and overwhelmed by the prospect of the other boy being so close and vulnerable and him doing nothing about it. Chunji nodded, and L. Joe wondered if he should stop and check to see if he was crying, but it was too late for that, Chunji flipping their positions, to lavish harsh nips and open mouthed kisses down L. Joe's neck and chest, as his hands drifted lower. L. Joe couldn't stop the cascade of moans that Chunji's actions elicited, and he didn't want to, all thoughts of the boys outside the door who'd use that as blackmail against him, forgotten. Chunji's fingers teased him, making his toes curl impatiently. He wanted to tell the other boy not to tease him, to hurry up and touch him properly, to move faster and give him everything right then and there, but he didn't want to be accused of being selfish. Besides, it felt wrong for Chunji to be doing the work. He'd already decided who would be on top, and Chunji's actions were a little too confident for his liking. Somehow willing himself to draw back out of Chunji's reach, he grabbed Chunji, hard, forcing a loud groan past his lips. His hand shifted backwards and forwards several times, until Chunji's hips started bucking to meet his movements. He pulled away denying the older boy any friction whatsoever, making him mewl, childishly. Not wanting Chunji to lose interest, he dived forward, kneeling on the warm tiles, water pouring over him. Chunji moaned long and low as L. Joe teased him. He couldn't say the sights or smells were that unfamiliar for him, and yet the whole thing felt so much more special this time around. Like he was finally doing it with the right person. He loved the way Chunji bucked and twitched and writhed, while moaning and panting his name, thanks to his ministrations. His. Not anyone else's. He wondered vaguely how many other people had been lucky enough to see and hear Chunji like this. But he pushed thoughts of competition from his mind. Chunji was his now, and he would never be with another person after this. He'd make sure of it. When he was sure Chunji was hard enough that he wouldn't be losing interest any time soon, he stopped. Past experience had told him that as cruel as it might seem, he couldn't let Chunji get off before they started the really good stuff. It made all the muscles twitch uncontrollably and would make it more likely that he'd seriously hurt Chunji with what he was doing. Chunji whimpered, shuddering slightly, glaring at him for having stopped but his eyes told him that Chunji had at least a rough idea of why L. Joe had to stop. His hand shot out searching for something, anything that he could use. After all the torturous teasing he'd received, and the visual and auditory assault to his self-control, molesting Chunji had given him, he couldn't be bothered to wait. Any delay would be too much for him. The slightest brush against his highly sensitised skin felt like it could spell the end for him. He would not allow this encounter to end with a reminder about how quickly he succumbed to Chunji's charms. He was probably only minutes away, but the time it would take to prepare Chunji would hopefully offer a brief respite. He wanted to buried inside him for as long as he possibly could. He wasn't sure he'd be able to look the other boy in the eye again if he couldn't hold out long enough to get him off too. His hand came into contact with a hard container, so small that it caught him off guard, stealing his attention for a moment. Reading the label, his gaze shot back to Chunji who was trying to cover a grin, despite his flushed cheeks. So Chunji had been expecting this. No, maybe Chunji had been planning this. L. Joe wasn't in the right state of mind to give either thought too much consideration. He couldn't even consider the fact that such preparation seemed completely incongruous with the timid, reluctant Chunji from however many moments ago that was. No, his thoughts were too taken up with how difficult it was to get the cap off the tub when his hands were wet. After several failed attempts he managed to yank the lid off, and tossed it contemptuously over his shoulder. He coated his fingers generously, the lubricant becoming thick and clumpy, and sliding off his fingers because of their wetness, but he tried to ignore it. Worried that Chunji was going to make a comment about it, and try to put the brakes on their activities, L. Joe grabbed his right thigh and lifted it up, making Chunji wobble as he tried to support his body weight between his left leg and the wall behind him. He glared at L. Joe the annoyance quickly turning into a wince of pain when he felt L. Joe's first finger probing his entrance. He pushed in quickly, earning a sharp groan from the other boy, as he experimentally began thrusting his finger in and out. “Why are we doing it this way?” Chunji demanded, whimpering slightly when L. Joe decided it was time for a second finger to join the first. L. Joe wiggled his fingers experimentally trying to stretch his opening, so Chunji would feel as little pain as possible later on. “Because. I want to look at you while we're doing this.” Chunji looked like he was going to give him a snide comment in return, so L. Joe made sure to give him a particularly hard thrust, forcing Chunji's leg up higher to get the right angle. Chunji's complaint was quickly replaced by moans, which while pleasing to L. Joe's ear, weren't what he was looking for. He ran his fingers around the wall, searching out a firm section that would make Chunji scream. The first time he swept over it, was by accident, Chunji's leg nearly giving out as he shouted something unintelligible. L. Joe quickly ran his fingers back over where they had been a second before, but got no such reaction. Annoyed, he ran his fingers around again, only to get the same reaction once more, Chunji's shout a little softer this time, since he was expecting the strange feeling that made him writhe and sent pleasant sensations radiating throughout his body. Neither of them was sure when it happened, but somewhere along the line, L. Joe had slipped in a third finger, the tightness almost suffocating him. If it felt this good around his fingers, he couldn't imagine how it'd feel when he was really inside him. He'd be lucky to last more than a few seconds at this rate. Just trying to imagine how it'd feel made his body hum with anticipation. He forced Chunji's leg up as high as it would go, so he could remove his fingers. He'd swear he could hear Chunji's body begging him to come back, despite the cacophony that existed between them. Chunji's long fingers wrapped around him, much slicker than he remembered them being before. From top to bottom they moved up and down, nearly drawing tears to his eyes with want. He'd beg for a harder touch if he had to. And L. Joe didn't beg anyone for anything. Knowing he couldn't handle waiting any longer, he pushed forward, thrusting inside Chunji. He didn't make it in the whole way at first, but his movement had startled Chunji, and he had tensed up, his insides clenching and relaxing against him, as though it didn't know how to react to the intrusion. The warmth and the tightness and the noise and his own blood thrumming through his body enveloped him, and before L. Joe could realise what had happened, he'd pushed in all the way, a loud scream coming from Chunji at the intrusion. Not only was he completely impaled on L. Joe, but his muscles had all seized up, and he lost his footing, forcing him to cling onto L. Joe to support his weight, drawing him in deeper still. L. Joe fumbled slightly with the added weight, pushing Chunji into the wall harshly, to try and stop himself from dropping him. He couldn't maintain Chunji's weight and thrust into him at the same time, and so L. Joe felt himself being dragged down, to the floor when Chunji slid down the wall. Chunji was probably crying by that point but he couldn't tell from the water beating down on them. He readjusted Chunji's legs, refusing to give up his position, and flip Chunji over, despite the constant stream of water into his eyes nearly blinding him. It was symbolic for him. He'd never done it like this with anyone before. It felt important that the first time should be with Chunji, like this, especially after the older boy's concerns that L. Joe would regret this later. He thrust into the older boy, making him gasp, but with his head tipped back as it was, it meant he got a mouthful of water, and started coughing. L. Joe paused for a moment allowing Chunji to clear his lungs before he thrust again, harder this time, certain that the initial burn of their activities would have subsided enough that he could move. He must've hit that section of Chunji's wall that drove him crazy, as the next second, Chunji was writhing beneath him, hips thrusting wildly, eyes practically begging him to go faster and deeper. Who was he to refuse his lover's wishes? He sped up his thrusts, the screams of pain clearly having morphed into screams of pleasure, his hips rising to meet every one of L. Joe's thrusts. He looked so amazing lying beneath him, as he slid in and out of that tightness and warmth, and then the noises he made, his voice bouncing off the tiles around them. He could feel himself shuddering already, and slid his other hand down to pleasure Chunji too. He wasn't adept enough to keep his hands and his hips working in unison, both of them speeding up as his own climax drew closer, but the asymmetric pattern seemed to overwhelm Chunji more than they would've if he'd done them together. It barely took a few minutes, at least by L. Joe's currently flawed timing, before Chunji climaxed all over them. The relief that he'd managed to get his partner off before he had, quickly subsided as Chunji became even tighter as his inner muscles spasmed with the after effects of his climax. The way Chunji continued to mumble and moan his name was the icing on the cake and his walls came crashing down, his body wracked with shudders as his climax washed over him. The two boys were panting, L. Joe's legs quivering as they tried to support his weight, despite the fact that he was only kneeling. He'd leaned backwards so that he could help clean Chunji off from their activities, only for the older boy to recoil with a yelp, dragging him back to hover over the top of him. L. Joe's arms trembled with the effort it took support his own weight. “What was that for?” he asked. “The water's freezing. I don't know how you can stand it.” Chunji muttered, the chills from his back only sinking in once he'd heard Chunji's words. “Oh.” he stated quietly. The two boys cleaned up, quickly neither wanting to stay under the cold water. But they were in complete silence the whole time. L. Joe had of course seen the way Chunji staggered as he struggled to walk, but the older boy recoiled away from him, as though he didn't want him to touch him. Now that his physical needs had been sated, his mind seemed to return, and he realised it probably had to do with Chunji's concerns about L. Joe regretting what they'd done. He probably didn't want to depend on him, lest L. Joe turn around and tell him he wanted them to pretend nothing had happened or something. He berated himself for not having confessed before he'd slept with the other boy, but his hormones had gotten away from him. He'd just figured there'd be time to explain later, but now he wished they'd done things in a more traditional way. He considered dragging Chunji back to him and confessing right then, but he had a feeling Chunji might doubt his words. So he waited, they wrapped themselves up in towels, with Chunji dragging L. Joe to his room. They were both shivering slightly, and so he automatically pulled out a pair of flannelette pyjamas. He might get hot later on, but right at that moment he felt frozen. The cold shower certainly didn't help alleviate his chills. He got a pair out for L. Joe as well, suspecting the other boy was probably just as cold as he was. After they were dressed, Chunji wasn't sure what to do. He looked as though he were about to try running out of the bedroom, just so that he could put a bit of space between them, and hopefully help alleviate the awkwardness in the air. But L. Joe grabbed his wrist, tugging him back over to the bed. He forced Chunji to lie down and laid down beside him, arms wrapped around the older boy's waist. One of his hands drifted upwards to stroke his wet hair. They laid like that fro an indefinite period of time, L. Joe loving the fact that he could revel in the feeling of contentment after sex for the fist time in his life. This was the first time it felt natural to stick around: like there was nowhere else he'd rather be: no where else he should be. The moment felt so fluffy and warm and sweet, and the perfect follow up to the passionate affair earlier on, when his lust had gotten away from him. This was a chance to indulge that sweet, innocent part of his feelings that loved Chunji and always wanted to be by his side. He wasn't sure how Chunji felt about the arrangement. At first he'd felt stiff, but the longer they laid together like that the more his body seemed to relax. “I'm sorry I've made you worry. I should've confessed before we even started.” L. Joe mumbled, the contentment making him feel sleepy. “Worry about what?” Chunji enquired, trying to sound innocent, as though he hadn't been worried about anything but L. Joe knew better than to fall for that. “About when you kissed Niel.” L. Joe stated his heart speeding up a little with nerves. It seemed strange after everything they'd just done for him to be nervous about anything to do with Chunji and yet he did. The thought of confessing something like this to him made him feel vulnerable:like he'd be exposing himself to possible embarrassment if not heartbreak. But he was sure Chunji wasn't in this for a good time. “I wasn't uncomfortable because the two of you kissed. I was jealous.” he continued, unable to breathe as he waited for Chunji's reaction to what he had to say. “Idiot. If you wanted to kiss Niel, I'm sure he would've obliged.” Chunji commented, teasingly. “Not Niel you idiot. I wanted to kiss you.” he mumbled making Chunji hum, lightly. “Now why would you want a thing like that?” he asked, innocently. Trust Chunji to draw this out: as if he didn't feel awkward enough as it was. “Because I love you.” he stated, as confidently as he could, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on Chunji's lips. Chunji responded back, easily, only pushing L. Joe away long enough to be able to mumble his reply.